Bimed Teknik Aletler - Arge Mühendisi

İlan Tipi ( Burs/Staj/İş )       : İŞ

Şehir                                      : İSTANBUL /AVRUPA YAKASI

Şirket                                     : BİMED TEKNİK ALETLER

Pozisyon                                : ARGE MÜHENDİSİ

Tanım/İlan Detayları           :

·         Responsible for New Product projects,

·         Preparing technical drawings and 3D models,

·         Organizing prototype manufacturing,

·         Performing related tests and approvals,

·         Project Management and new product implementation,

·         Improving performance of current products,

·         Leading cost reduction and quality improvement projects.

Aranan Nitelikler                 :

·         Bachelor degree from Mechanical Engineering Department,

·         CAD knowledge is a must,

·         Fluent in English, both written and spoken,

·         Experience in Project management,

·         Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) is essential,

·         No military obligation for male candidates,

·         Analytical minded, open to change, creative and solution oriented,

·         Having conflict resolution, team building and good communication skills.

İletişime geçilecek kişinin;

e-mail                                       :

Telefon                                    : 0212 875 73 76

Firma Sektörü                        : ÜRETİM

Çalışma Şekli                          : TAM ZAMANLI

Talep Edilen Personel Sayısı : 1

İlan geçerliliği                          : 19.10.2018/31.12.2018

 (Başlangıç-Bitiş Tarihi)