
The trainings given by our specialists are organized to contribute to personal-social, academic and career development of the students, graduates and employees of our university.

Based on the principle of "learning by experience", our trainings include visual presentation, interactive information sharing and various practices.

The trainings are open for application at least twice for each term (fall and spring). (There is no training during the midterm and final exams.)

The trainings are open and free to all our university’s students, graduates and employees.

Quota is determined according to the training hall which will be used and participants are chosen by the application order.

Participation Document is given to the attendants of all sessions of the trainings. Participants may include these documents in their CVs.

How Can I Attend?

Trainings are open every term (fall and spring -except midterm and final exam weeks) in various numbers of groups. Trainings are announced on the website of Istanbul KAGEM and Istanbul University and also İstanbul KAGEM social media accounts. Students can applicate by filling up the form linked in the announcement.

Which Trainings Are Offered?

You can find detailed information by clicking the links below about these trainings which are aimed to improve practical skills that can be used in business and daily life.

For Students / Graduates 

First Step to Academic Career

Colours of Emotions

Self Assurance Development and Assertiveness Workshop

Stress Management

Team Work

For Employees 

Personel Development Trainings

English Speaking Classes

Classes For Students & Graduates

It is carried out during the academic year (except midterm and final exams term) of Istanbul University for our university’s students and graduates who learn foreign language but can not find any opportunity to practice it. In order to practice what they learn and to improve their speaking and listening skills, it is carried out in every weekday, on changeable days and hours without any registration.

The program is announced on the web site of our centre and university and on the social media accounts of our centre.

Classes For Employees

It is carried out during the academic year of Istanbul University for our university’s employees who learn foreign language but can not find any opportunity to practice it. In order to practice what they learn and improve their speaking and listening skills, it is carried out once a week, at lunch time, without any registration.

Guide to Preparation of CV 

Preparing For Job Interview


Compulsory Internship

It’s a foreseen professional implementation for students of Istanbul University for Istanbul University them working life in the government and the private sector. Date ranges and durations are different according to the faculties. The insurance charges are paid by the university and you can get the detailed information from the internship officer who is responsible about it in the faculties.

Voluntarily Internship

In addition to compulsory internship, our university also offers volunteer internships. Internship procedures are carried out within the units that students read in the compulsory internship departments and these practices will continue in the same way.

The volunteer internship at our university will be carried out in the form of participation of students who find internship with their own initiatives and students who are in the 'Internship Project' of the IU Career Development Practice and Research Center. Insurance payments for students who are compulsory and voluntary interns will be made by our university.

At our university, internship insurance for our students can be paid during the dates confirmed by the faculties.

Internship with one’s own initiatives

Things To Be Done By The Students Who Want To Do Volunteer Internship With Their Own Initiative

  • The student must first ask the Head of Department or the lecturers who are authorized by the Head of Department whether the date and the place are suitable for internship.
  • If the place is appropriate, the student will get the documents in Annex-1 from the Head of Department to apply for internship.
  • Once the student has obtained the written approval, he/she will receive the necessary documents for the internship application from the administrative staff who is responsible for the internship at the unit or from the IU Career Center website.
  • Students will fill in the personal information in the documents they receive.
  • It is then obliged to deliver the approved documents to the administrative staff who is responsible for the internship of the unit after approving the documents to the institution which will be worked as an intern and then the Head of Department and the Dean.
  • At the end of the internship, the questionnaires at IU Career Center website will be delivered to IU Career Center in a closed envelope.
  • After the completion of all the documents, the student will get the Internship Certificate signed by the Director of Career Development Practice and Research Center of IU from his/her unit within the year.

Students who find an internship with their own initiative or through the Career Center must deliver their internship papers to the administrative staff who is responsible for the internship of their unit at least 10 days before the start date. Administrative staff who is responsible for the internship of the unit are responsible for the procedures of the insurance entry.

Necessary Documents

Students who find an internship with their own initiative or through the Career Center must deliver their internship papers to the administrative staff who is responsible for the internship of their unit at least 10 days before the start date. Administrative staff who is responsible for the internship of the unit are responsible for the procedures of the insurance entry.

The necessary internship documents of the students who find an internship with their own initiative or who will do an internship through Career Center are as follows;

Documents to be taken from the administrative staff who is responsible for insurance process

  • 3 Internship Forms (With Photo)
  • 2 SGK Notification Forms (Medical Care Form)
  • 1 Address Information Form
  • 1 Commitment Letter

What the student should provide

  • 2 Passport Photo
  • 1 Copy of Student İdentification
  • 1 Copy of Identification

Documents to be received from the department

Documents to be given to the institution to be taken before the internship
Documents to be delivered at the end of the internship. (Assessment forms: the form in a closed envelope include the evalution of the institution by the intern, the form in a closed envelope include the evaluation of the intern by the institution)